Free Coupon Intermediate Chinese Reading (First Language) Y5W002 这是给中级程度的,相当于中国初一水平。
阅读是提高语言能力的最好途径。 中级汉语阅读测试教程均给出 准确的双语解释以达到事半功倍的效果,这算是尽我的微薄之力吧。
汉语好的学生应该挑战一下自己能否准确地把汉语翻译成英语。英语好的学生当然要提高你的汉语水平和准确的选用汉语词汇。 如果你能一石二鸟、举一反三,何乐而不为呢?学生应该准备一个笔记本,把注释的词语抄写下来,动手提高记忆,也弥补网络测试缺少动手习写的不足。
Reading is the best way to improve your language skills. ...
With a bit of selfishness, the mother tongue course begins with Y5, because my daughter is a student in the fifth grade. Other levels will be introduced one after another. My talent is evasive and shallow, trying my best to venture. Please give me advice from teachers and experts. The accumulation of knowledge always stands on the basis of predecessors. Course materials were collected from the Internet and Hanban free textbooks. In addition to our experience, we will use bilingual interpretation to achieve better learning results to adapt to the promotion of oversea Chinese teaching. If there is infringement, please provide information and evidence and we will contact you.