Salman Khan’s Sultan completed its 50th day at the Box Office on the 24th of August, 2016, and its performance so far has been record-breaking. The film grossed ₹36.54 crore ($5.4 million) at its opening day itself, along with a 70% audience-occupancy rate, and ₹206 crores ($31 million) from its first weekend at the Box Office.
Salman’s magic has worked again it seems, and his portrayal of the wrestling champion Sultan Ali Khan in the films was well received by early-watchers. But the hype didn’t end there.
Sultan has roared at the Box Office ever since, grossing ₹416 crores ($62 million) in India alone, and around $24 million worldwide, making it the fourth-highest grossing Indian film of all time, behind PK, Bajrangi Bhaijaan, and Bahubali:
The Beginning, with a total collection of a whopping ₹584 crores ($87 million). The film shows no signs of losing steam however, and experts are sure that the film still has loads of potential, and much more money to make. Way to go Salman, way to go!