It’s not just the Khans who rule Bollywood. Bollywood’s khiladi, Akshay Kumar too rules the industry through his films. Akshay comes up with three to four films a year and almost all his films mint a huge collection at the box office.
Also, the actor is quite hard-working and disciplined and he never fails to captivate hearts with his heart touching films. Looks like bollywood’s Bhaijaan too, acknowledges Akshay’s hard-work.
Recently, at a press conference, Salman Khan stated that Akshay was the real Sultan of Bollywood since he doesn’t only do more than three films in a year but also makes sure it’s a hit. Salman went on appreciating Akshay.
At a press interaction a few days back, the Rustom actor reacted to Sallu’s statement by saying, “I think it’s his greatness that he said something like this. How large-hearted guy he is. I would not say this, see I did MMA in Brothers but uski chal gayi and he is the real Sultan.”