In first look of Shaadar which stars Shahid Kapoor and Alia Bhat, it shows how peacefully both Shahid and Alia are dozing off. Alia is sleeping on wooden bench along with Shahid who is seen taking nap while leaning against the bench. What a cute Jodi it looks like. Am sure Mira is bound to get jealous!
Vikas Bahl’s Shandaar will first time see Shahid romancing Alia in the film. This is new hot pairing of Bollywood and lot curiosity is there regarding the chemistry of this cute looking couple.
The first look of the film looks so serene and romantic with bench being placed on white feather covered floor and in background is blue sky, with a plane passing between two clouds which are shaped like hearts.
Shaandar revolves around theme of destination wedding, releases on October 22.