Asaram case: Asaram सहित तीन आरोपी दोषी करार, 2 हुए बरी | वनइंडिया हिन्दी

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Asaram has been sentenced to jail in Jodhpur jail. Asaram has been convicted in a minor case ... 3 people including Asaram have been convicted. At the same time 2 people are acquitted. Tell you that the punishment has not yet been announce to Asaram, there is still a debate over the sentence. Tell you that the court was set up in jail for Asaram.

जोधपुर जेल में आसाराम को सजा सुना दी गई है.. आसाराम को नाबालिग केस में दोषी करार दे दिया गया है... आसाराम सहित 3 लोगों को दोषी करार दिया गया है । वहीं 2 लोग बरी हो गए है । आपको बता दे कि आसाराम को सजा अभी नहीं सुनाई गई है , सजा पर बहस होना अभी बाकी है । आपको बता दे कि आसाराम के लिए जेल में ही अदालत लगाई गई थी ।

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