Gaúcho or Corta Jaca is the Brazilian tango (maxixe) composed by Chiquinha Gonzaga, her most recorded song. It was a song from the burlesque operetta Zizinha Maxixe first staget in 1895. The original title being Gaucho, the song had the subtitle Dança do Corta-jaca. Eventually Corta jaca had become the best known titile of the song. The dance in question is a Brazilian traditional dance, characterized by energetic individual spins, gymnastic moves, and percussive footwork. The expression "corta jaca" literally means "cut the jackfruit" and has a sexual innuendo, seen in the number Gaúcho itself. The song caused a minor scandal when the Second Lady of Brazil, Nair de Teffé, performed in on guitar in public in 1914.
Francisca Edwiges Neves Gonzaga was a Brazilian composer, pianist and conductor. Chiquinha Gonzaga was born in Rio de Janeiro, from a mulatto mother and a wealthy white father – after she was born her father became a marshal. Her godfather was Luís Alves de Lima e Silva, Duke of Caxias and one of her best friends was the first lady of Brazil, Nair de Tefé.She fought for the end of slavery in Brazil. Gonzaga received an education that would ordinarily have led her to be a “sinhazinha”, a respectful officer's daughter. She learned how to read, write, and do math, but also music, especially how to play the piano, a distinctive mark of a real lady.
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