The approval rating for Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's Cabinet has dropped again, as he grapples with multiple scandals.
An NHK poll conducted over the weekend shows support for Abe's Cabinet at 38 percent, dropping six points from the previous month.
Abe has been in hot water over a cover up of the Japanese military's activity logs in Iraq more than a decade ago.
Out of the 12-hundred people surveyed, 66 percent of respondents said they found the government's handling of documents problematic, while five percent said they did not.
Just over half of the respondents also said they did not think the principle of civilian control of Japan's Self-Defense Force functioned properly, compared to five percent who thought it did.
Confidence in Abe's government has been fading amid the document cover-up, a cronyism scandal and his push to change Japan's pacifist Constitution.