The political groups in Tamil Nadu are demanding a ban on IPL in Chennai. The groups allege that the Centre failed to set up the Cauvery management board and that there should be no play till the farmers' demands are met.
Violence continues unabated against BJP cadres in West Bengal. At least three instances of violence have been reported from different parts of West Bengal.
It was an action packed day in Supreme Court today as the court resumed hearing in the Ram Janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid case.
Superstar Salman Khan’s bail plea order has been reserved for tomorrow. The Actor will spend another night in jail. The actor is in the Jodhpur Central Prison after being convicted in the 1998 blackbuck poaching case. He was sentenced to five years in jail.
In a shocking case of negligence reported in a top school of Noida, over 25 students have been hospitalised and dozens have fallen sick due to the mid day lunch served in the school.
PM Modi addresses BJP workers through his app.