He has done it again. On Tuesday, Kapil Sharma cancelled the shooting of his new show Family Time With Kapil Sharma. The guest that evening was Rani Mukerji who was made to wait endlessly for Kapil to arrive for the shooting before being told that the shooting cannot happen.
What prompted Kapil to encore his earlier no-show mistake that cost him his highly successful comedy show?
According to a very close friend, Kapil Sharma has no answer. “When he didn’t turn up for the shoot we tried calling him frantically. His phones were off. Finally we got through on his girlfriend Ginny’s number to ask kya hua? His reply, ‘Kuch bhi nahin. Jee nahin karta hai.’ And that’s it.”
While the channel Sony Entertainment is understandably upset over the losses, the star guest Rani Mukerji is more concerned about Kapil’s mental health than anything else.
So the bigger question now being asked by those who are close to Kapil is, Tera Problem Kya Hai, Kapil?
Says a close friend, “The answer is only this. ‘Jee nahin karta’. I don’t feel like it. How does one tackle this? We don’t know. We’ve tried everything.”