Quran- 92. Surah Al-Layl (The Night)- Arabic and English translation HD


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The Holy Quran
92. Surah Al-Layl (The Night)
Arabic and English translation and transliteration

Period of Revelation

This surah is one of the first ten to be revealed in Mecca. It contrasts two types of people, the charitable and the miserly, and describes each of their characteristics.
According to an interpretation expounded on in the tafsir (commentary) written by Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi (d. 1979), the primary theme of Surat al-Lail is distinguishing between two different ways of life and explaining the contrast between their ultimate ends and results.
Sayyid Qutb (d. 1966), who was an Egyptian author, Islamist, and leading intellectual, surmised the overall theme of Surat Al-Lail: "Within a framework of scenes taken from the universe and the realm of human nature, this surah states emphatically the basic facts of action and reward. This issue had diverse aspects... The end in the hereafter is also varied, according to the type of action and the direction taken in this life... The subject matter of the surah, i.e., action and reward, is by nature double directional, so the framework chosen for it at the beginning of the surah is of dual coloring. It is based on contrasting aspects in the creation of man and the universe." —Sayid Qutb, Fi Zilal al-Qur'an
Many hadith have been related concerning the spiritual benefits associated with Surat Al-Lail.

English Translation: Sahih International
Arabic Reciter: Mishari ibn Rashid al-`Afasy
English Reciter: Ibrahim Walk

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