Samsung washing machine fault code DC\r
New fix is in! Go here \r
Samsung washing machine error code dc\r
How to fix the dc fault code.\r
To order a repair kit,\r
Call Mike for parts. 1-773-774-7400\r
Samsung Washer DC Code Repair Kit \r
go to this website,\r
and call Mike. 1-773-774-7400\r
Samsung has stopped manufuring some parts for this washing machine.\r
Call Mike for parts. 1-773-774-7400\r
That makes it very hard to make repairs on the Samsung washing machine.\r
DC error occurs when a Samsung washer is unable to spin due to an unbalanced load\r
What does DC mean on a Samsung Washing Machine?\r
This fix does not fix all Samsung Washing Machines. Some times you will need to replace the rods and springs at the same time you install the Repair Kit. I came up with this fix and it did fix the Samsung Washing Machine I was working on. And some people have called and told me it worked great for them and they no longer have the DC fault code.\r
Please like and subscribe to my video.\r
If you are in the Orlando area I can make this repair for you.\r
If you are outside the Orlando ares call Mike for the repair kit.\r