Overcome shyness and social anxiety from home: http://sociallives.party
yeah this is our playtime and here you can play with the toys in most of the ways that you want to know you're picking it up and this is the Do Not Disturb sign you can hang that on the front door or you can hang it on this door thinking about it you see if there's a waiting stay hidden and grab it and do it really fast oh there you are now you're all hidden again you want to stay hidden you're just hiding Oh sneaking out now don't you snuck all the way over there you just don't want that kid where to see you at all you're staying low you're gonna get back there without being seen you just move really quick that's how you do it over there again might be something else you want it belongs with those been right back behind there it's like that one just died what that one do you pick down wait that time oops look like it was wind and buddy didn't really bounce there it is you bouncing it from farther away you yeah.