Amazing Unreal Creatures Discovered

marquitarichard9390 2018-03-10

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10 amazing unreal creatures that have been discovered …\r
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Number Six: Naked Mole Rat\r
Naked Mole Rats, not known for their good looks, live exclusively underground in insect-like colonies. Almost completely blind, naked mole rats have little need for eyesight at all. They instead rely on acute hearing and sense of smell. Their hairless bodies are also an adaptation suited for their underground environment. Their unusually large teeth and sealed lips are used to burrow tunnels while keeping dirt from filling their mouths. They almost never emerge from underground, allowing them to survive for over 30 years, nearly 20 times longer than other rodents.\r
Number Five: Cantors Giant Soft-shell Turtle\r
Instead of a hard exterior shell usually associated with turtles, the Cantors Giant Soft-shell Turtle has rubbery skin with bones fused together to create a protective outer layer. To protect itself from predators, this abnormal creature spends nearly 95% of its life lying motionless in sand or mud, hidden with only its eyes and mouth showing. It has long claws and can stretch its neck to strike more quickly than a cobra with jaws powerful enough to crush bone. Cantors Giant Soft-shell Turtle is one of the rarest freshwater turtles in the world and also one of the largest. They are capable of growing to lengths of over four feet.\r
Number Four: Ground Pangolin\r
These curious mammals, native to Africa, are nocturnal, solitary and secretive making it difficult for scientists to study. To this day, many mysteries remain about their behaviors and habits. This odd animal is covered with extremely hard, brown colored scales. Pangolin scales are sharp and present a difficult challenge to any potential predator. When threatened, it rolls up into a ball in order to protect its vulnerable underside. It is almost impossible to force the Pangolin out of this ball that coats their tongue, making it easier to snatch up termites and ants. Poaching has made these unusual creatures one of the most endangered mammal groups in the world.\r
Number Three: Thorny Devil\r
The strangest of all lizards is the Thorny Devil or Thorny Dragon. This Australian lizard is covered in unique hard, sharp spines that protect them from predators. These spikes make any foe think twice before attempting to eat or swallow one. It also has a strange, knob-like appendage on its back. When it feels threatened, it lowers its real head down and presents its thorny false head instead. This confuses the attacker into thinking they might be biting into a thorn instead of its next meal. They also use their distinct coloration for camouflage. The color on the Thorny Devils body is able to change depending on which type of terrain it is crossing.\r
Number Two: Yeti Crab\r
Its pretty obvious how the Yeti Crab got its name. This recently discovered creature, sometimes called a furry lobster, has limbs covered in thousands of soft, silky blond hairs. The Yeti Crab was originally discovered in the Pacific Ocean about 900 miles off the coast of Easter Island near thermal vents where hot water gushes into the sea. Because they spend their entire lives on the ocean floor, they never develop the ability to see. In f, they dont even have eyes. Yeti Crabs survive by growing their own food on their distinctive arm hair, called setae. This provides an ideal place for beria to collect and grow.\r
Number One: Chupacabras\r
The first reports of Chupacabras started with the discovery of attacks in Central America, where dead sheep and goats were found with puncture wounds and completely drained of blood. Chupacabra literally means ‘goat-sucker in Spanish. Physical descriptions of these creatures vary, but many reports claim they stand about four to five feet tall. The most common description is of a reptile-like creature with powerful legs that allow it to leap huge distances, long sharp claws, glowing red eyes, greenish-black skin and a row of pointy spines or quills running down its back. They are reported to screech when threatened and their red eyes have the ability to hypnotize and paralyze their enemies. According to scientists and wildlife officials, the Chupacabra is an urban legend. While others think that there is a massive conspiracy to keep the truth hidden from people. But take a look at this picture, and you decide. Whatever this is, it looks unreal.

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