Some Examples of Adnan Oktar’s Activities with Worldwide Impact

A9 TV 2018-03-08

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ADNAN OKTAR: The good thing about me is that I have eliminated Darwinism through scientific evidence. This is great. This is an unprecedented achievement. I am the only person to accomplish this in the Islamic world. My friends and I are the only people in the Islamic world who have taken a clear stand against homosexuality. There are no others, save my friends and I, who unmask the British deep state. I am the only person who points out to the wrong aspects of the Mawlaw'iyya. Almost no one does so other than me. Completely devoting one's life and means to the Way of God, ceaselessly serving and striving for Islam is a quality my friends and I possess. Expecting the coming of Jesus Messiah (pbuh) and Mahdi (as) with passion and enthusiasm is something only my friends and I do. No one throughout the entire Islamic history has ever laid such emphasis on the hadiths regarding Jesus Messiah (pbuh) and Mahdi (as) with such extensive supporting evidence as we do. Only we do so. There are no others in the Islamic community but my friends and I who tell about the inevitability of and advocate the Islamic Unity despite pessimistic statements such as "Will the Islamic Unity ever be established? Would God allow it?"  There is no other group that holds women in such high esteem. There is no other group around the world who extols women and regards them as the sweetest, most beautiful beings in the world. We are the only group who expose the predicaments of the traditionalist Orthodox system with the help of the verses of the Qur'an and demonstrate the contradictions in an undeniable way. For example, no one has ever pointed out the contradiction in the hadith regarding the headscarf for centuries. It has not been addressed for almost a millennium. We’ve been the first to do so. There is a flagrant contradiction in the hadith. My friends and I were the first to advice believers to always stand firmly by the Qur'an. We’ve been the only group to herald that Islam will prevail in the world. We are the only group to preach Islam in places where no other communities, sects, groups could reach. We are the only people who could preach Islam in mason lodges, Templar guilds, Pentagon, beaches, night clubs and other places of entertainment, and high society. It was our efforts that proved the most effective in bringing Muslims out from ghettos and helping them gain a broader world view. Preaching Islam and the Qur'an without featuring any ads on television or asking for royalties from books is a quality peculiar to my friends and I. My friends and I are the only people who pointed out to the unlawfulness of preaching in return for financial gain. We are the only people who have shown that music, dancing and revealing cloths do not contradict with Islam. Other than us, there is a huge gap. Some say, "Anyone who are involved in music, dancing and reveling cloths are deviators and I have nothing to do with such people," which creates a huge divide. But we have closed that divide. I was the only one to demonstrate the religious personality of Atatürk with supporting documents. Likewise, I was the only person who inspired the love of Atatürk in the youth, intellectuals and the traditionalists who had been against Atatürk. It was my friends and I who achieved this. We’ve been the only ones who quickly gives an intellectual response to or intervene through legal means in any news to the detriment of Islam. It was us who showed the repulsiveness of the pretentious, pseudo-intellectual discourse and the heinousness of the moral values promoted by the British deep state. Living one's life without expecting anything in return other than God's approval and pursuing the ideal of devoting one's life solely to God are qualities that are manifest in us. For example, some people have everything; a car, a house, family with children, a job, education, a business. They basically live on the fat of the land. They serve for the good of Islam only when they could spare time from all these. But my friends and I have completely devoted our lives to Islam and serving the good of Islam. It is a quality peculiar to me and my friends to isolate one's self from all the social aspects of life, and channel all our energy into serving Islam. We’ve been the first to expose the religion of the ignorant. People had not been aware of it before. We were the first to point out that melancholy and romanticism have no place in Islam. Most of the Muslim sects were persistently advocating melancholy and romanticism. We were the first to express that this is an evil scheme. It was us who get across to people the fact that martyrdom is a cause for joy, that the mourning culture and wailing are wrong and a sin, praised be God. It is us who insistently put emphasis on the importance of love. We showed people how to put the teachings of the Qur'an into practice in our dail

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