Spy and Spy: Where Litvinenko and Skripal Diverge
The destinies of Alexander V. Litvinenko, poisoned to death in 2006 by radioactive Polonium 210,
and Sergei V. Skripal, listed Monday as critically and thus far inexplicably ill in a British hospital, carry similarities that cannot be ignored.
"Everyone says he kept a low profile." And while Russia’s likely involvement in the death of Mr. Litvinenko was documented in a long-running British inquiry, the illness
that struck Mr. Skripal and his daughter, Yulia, remains mysterious.
Tony Brenton said that I’m sure Putin regards him as a traitor,
Marina Litvinenko said that This guy is not a big critic,
Mr. Skripal, 66, was arrested in 2004 for selling Russian secrets to British intelligence
officers, possibly including the identities of Russian spies in Europe.