Xiaomi Redmi Note Pro sports a 5.99-inch 1080p display. The smartphone has a dual-lens camera setup and a 20MP selfie camera. Redmi Note 5 Pro is priced at Rs. 13,999 for 4GB RAM, 64GB storage variant and Rs.16,999 for 6GB RAM, 64GB storage variant. The smartphone is powered by a 4,000 mAh battery unit and runs on MIUI 9.
As expected, Xiaomi today launched the Redmi Note 5 Pro alongside the Redmi Note 5 in India. The smartphone is basically the upgraded version of the Redmi Note 5. There are several things to notice about the Redmi Note 5 Pro. For example, it is the first smartphone to feature the Qualcomm Snapdragon 636 processor. As claimed by the company, the Snapdragon 636 can deliver 50 percent higher performance and it is 40 percent more power efficient.