April Unboxings (Birchbox, Ipsy, Boxycharm & Glossybox) 2017

Mazur 2018-02-03

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Hey guys! \r
Here is my April Beauty Box Unboxing video with Birchbox, Ipsy, Boxycharm, and also GlossyBox. Hope you enjoy! Dont forget to like, comment and subscribe :) thanks so much for watching!!\r
Affiliate Codes: (I thank each and every one of you guys for supporting me, means the world to me!)\r
Luxie Beauty : Mesijesi20 for 20% off!\r
Ofra Cosmetics: Mesijesi30 for 30% off! \r
Jouer Cosmetics: Jesi for 15% off!\r
Grande Cosmetics: Jesi10 to save 10%!\r
*This is the company I use for my eyelash serum!\r
*Boxycharm Subscription: \r
Frankie Rose Cosmetics: MakeupByJesi for 15% off!\r
Girlik Beauty: Mesijesi15 for 15% off\r
What am I wearing?\r
Lips: Jeffree Star Liquid Lip - Androgyny\r
** This video is NOT Sponsored. I am subscribed to 3 boxes; Birchbox, Ipsy, Boxycharm & Glossybox. Boxycharm & Glossybox have been kind enough to send me boxes to review and share with you guys, but I do pay for the other boxes, and ALL opinions are honest and of my own, always! XO\r
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For Business & Inquiries\r

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