Vanity Fair reported that President Trump is considering replacing John Kelly as White House chief of staff and Ivanka Trump is playing a "central role" in that effort.
Vanity Fair reported on Monday that President Trump is considering replacing John Kelly as White House Chief of Staff.
"Two prominent Republicans in frequent contact with the White House told me that Trump has discussed choosing Kelly's successor in recent days," the piece's author Gabriel Sherman notes.
Furthermore, Sherman quotes an inside source, "Ivanka is the most worried about it," and is said to be playing a "central role" in finding a replacement.
The Wall Street Journal also covered the relationship between Trump and Kelly in a recent report.
While Kelly has been credited with bringing much needed structure to the West Wing operations, Trump has "found the loopholes," according to the Journal. "The president on occasion has called White House aides to the private residence in the evening, where he makes assignments and asks them not tell Mr. Kelly about the plans, according to several people familiar with the matter."
More recently, the tension between the two publicly surfaced when the New York Times reported that Kelly "privately told a group of Democratic lawmakers on Wednesday that Mr. Trump had not been 'fully informed' when promising voters a wall along the Mexican border last year, and said that he had persuaded the president it was not necessary."
A day later, Trump took to Twitter and posted a message about the border wall.
"The Wall is the Wall, it has never changed or evolved from the first day I conceived of it," Trump tweeted.
Vanity Fair notes that Trump has privately expressed that "Kelly acts like he's running the government" and reportedly told a friend, "I've got another nut job here who thinks he's running things."