In a horrific incident, a minor girl was brutally raped and murdered in Haryana's Jind on Sunday. Her mutilated body was found in a village in Jind district on Friday and was sent to PGIMS for the post-mortem. The incident reminds the Delhi's Nirbhaya gang-rape case in 2011. Deputy SP Kaptan Singh said two SITs have been constituted for investigation in the case. An FIR is registered under section 302 IPC. According to reports, the family refused to accept her body for cremation. They demanded the case be handed to the CBI, a government job for a member of her family, Rs 50 lakh from the Nirbhaya Fund, two arms licenses. It was only after Haryana minister KK Bedi assured them of a time-bound probe and release of compensation, the family received the body for cremation.