Michael Flynn's Brother Urges Trump To Pardon Flynn

Geo Beats 2017-12-27

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Michael Flynn's brother urged President Trump to pardon him in a now-deleted tweet.

Michael Flynn's brother has reportedly urged that President Trump pardon the former national security adviser and that it be done quickly.
According to Newsweek, Joseph Flynn first requested that in a now-deleted tweet.  
"About time you pardoned General Flynn who has taken the biggest fall for all of you given the illegitimacy of this confessed crime in the wake of all this corruption," the message read. 
The appeal was apparently a response to Trump's posting calling the FBI "tainted" and referring to the dossier as a "Crooked Hillary pile of garbage." 
Joseph Flynn later tweeted a second request reading, "Mr. President, I personally believe that a pardon is due to General Flynn, given the apparent and obvious illegitimacy of the manner in which the so called 'crimes' he plead guilty to were extracted from him. I ask for quick action on this. Thank you and keep up the good work!" 
Michael Flynn pleaded guilty in early December to lying to the FBI in regard to his conversations with a Russian diplomat, which took place during Donald Trump's transition period. 
President Trump has not ruled out the possibility of pardoning Michael Flynn. 
When questioned about the matter, Trump recently told reporters, "I don't want to talk about pardons for Michael Flynn yet. We'll see what happens. Let's see."

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