Home Automation Using Facebook Chat And Arduino ESP8266 WiFi | REST Call Arduino | IoT

IoTBoys 2017-12-23

Views 19

In this video showing how to make home automation system using Facebook chat And Arduino ESP8266 WiFi module. You just need to send message on chat and our project will control your home appliances.
We have provided steps and source code including circuit diagram to control your home appliances from Facebook chat messenger.
After watching this video and visiting http://iotboys.com you will be aware of how you can use ESP8266 WiFi Module and can communicate with REST API and Facebook Graph API.We are showing How you can Use Arduino Uno and ESP8266 Wifi to call REST API without using any additional library and can get JSON data from Web.
How to Send POST JSON from Arduino to Website and REST API.

Source Code and Circuit diagram available on https://goo.gl/UQSG6X

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home automation system | facebook chat arduino | Arduino | ESP8266 tutorial | REST call Arduino | POST data on server using Arduino and ESP8266 | control home from facebook | home automation facebook | Control Home Appliances from Facebook | Control Home from Cloud | IoT | IoT Boys | home automation diy | arduino projects for beginners | home automation 2017

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