Season Finale: Mr. Olympia Takeover (Part 2) | Gaspari: The New Era

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For many fans and athletes in the bodybuilding world - the Mr. Olympia competition is the final button of the year. It's what many athletes are building and striving to and while there are some other exciting competitions in the fallout of the Mr. Olympia weekend (in what is often called the European tour), the Mr. Olympia is in many ways the end of the "bodybuilding season."

So it only seems natural for Gaspari: The New Era series finale to fall on such an epic weekend. After following Rich Gaspari and his team for the full year - they have had such exponential growth and success despite any challenges thrown their way. From a full Gaspari Nutrition rebranding to the launch of new products... long hours of hard work has all paid off for the entire team and the brand as whole.

With the Mr. Olympia expo still in full swing - Rich sits down for an in depth meeting with a current growing retailer. Even during the epic madhouse that is the Olympia expo, Rich finds time to make the most out of his time possible - also heading over to Vegas Discount Nutrition for a meet & greet and also to connect with the store owner.

As the Mr. Olympia weekend comes to a close - Rich and the team reflect on the full year and everything that has been accomplished. While it is the end of our Gaspari series - it is far from the end of Gaspari Nutrition. In fact, this is just the beginning. The beginning of a brand new era for one of the most recognized and longest running brands in bodybuilding and supplements. Check out the series finale above!

Bodybuilding, fitness, weight training - all on the Generation Iron Fitness Network!

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