차승민 X 오연경 performs the song "SPREADING OUT" for BalconyTV.
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- 차승민 :
대금 연주자이자 시詩로 음악을 만드는 작곡자, 동시에 일러스트레이터이자 인터넷만화가인 차승민은 매체를 넘나들며 자신의 이야기를 녹인 작업을 하고 있다. ACC(Asian Cultural Council) 2016 fellowship으로 선정되어 뉴욕에서 창작실험영역 및 무대를 준비 중이다.
- 오연경 :
가야금 연주자 오연경은 전통음악과 즉흥음악 사이를 자유롭게 오가며 연주자로서의 구성력과 순발력을 보여주는 음악 활동을 하고 있다. 최근에는 전통음악과 현대음악에 대한 자신만의 해석을 독주회 승화시勝花時 를 통해 발표하는 등 연주자로서의 역량을 다지고 있다.
Seungmin Cha x Yeonkyeong Oh is a duo project of Daegeum artist Cha and Gayageum artist Oh. Since trained Korean traditional music almost 20 years, they're performing based on not only tradition but also improvised, contemporary and experimental music. Today they perform 'Spreading out' inspired from a poem:
'Spreading out' written by Seoknam Jang.
Spreading Out
Spreading out
As magnolia flowers spread out and disappears
Summer Comes
You spread out to me
And become me
Again I spread out to you
Spreading out
Is the only way to live
The flowers spread out and become fruit
Summer spread out and turns into autumn
Spreading out
Music spreads out and becomes a paint
Life spreads out and becomes death
And the death spreads out
Again and shines light on this life
And again, evening spreads out and
Becomes night
Spreading out
To spread out is to love
A cottage at the skirts of the mountain spreads out
And becomes a spring butterfly that flies by
Location : SOORIM ARTS CENTER ( 김희수 기념 수림아트센터 )
Audio : Chaewon Shin
Co-Producer : Juhye Yu
Producer : Jikyung Kim
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