Akshay Kumar's one more much awaited project Gold wrapped up with a chair stunt. From last couple of months Akshay Kumar shooting for Reema Kagti's film Gold. Now Akshay shared his happiness in action mood. Recently he posted a video on his social media account in which he is looking in Dhooti-Kurta and he wrote,"A good beginning makes a good ending...true story It's a wrap for #GOLD, an incredible journey with a great team. See you at the movies ." The film is based on India’s first Olympic medal win as a free nation in 1948 at the 14th Olympic Games at London. Film will release on Independence Day in 2018. Gold is a sports drama directed by Reema Kagti and the producers are Ritesh Sidhwani and Farhan Akhtar under the banner Excel Entertainment. Know more about the news in this video. Watch now.