Aerosol Marking Paint

Victor Basu 2017-11-29

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Established in 1995 and headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, USSC Products continues to strive, thrive and grow and is proud of its achievements as a formulator and manufacturer of its own cutting-edge products. USSC brand names include Dura-Stripe – Aerosol Line Marking Paints, Aqua-Stripe – Bulk Athletic Field Marking Paints, Techline – full range of traffic and highway paints, Stripe-X removal paints, Concrete Defender and CoSi – concrete coatings, Durapave – Asphalt pot hole repair and sealers, All Horizons – Architectural Paints, Coatings, Stains, Sealers and Primers, Specialty Protective Coatings, Custom Coatings, USFT – floor waxes, floor finishes, floor cleaners, Wax and Paint Strippers, Janitorial Products, etc. USSC Products is determined to formulate and manufacture the best performance paints, coatings, and janitorial products.

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