Thai prostitutes rounded up in humiliating crackdown

Newsflare 2017-11-25

Views 714

Twenty-two Thai prostitutes are rounded up in trucks as police launch a bizarre, humiliating crime blitz in the hunt for a stolen iPhone.

Officers picked up the sex workers from the beachfront in Pattaya, Thailand. The women were driven to the local station to have their details taken while officers investigated a phone stolen from two Russian women the night before.

Officers later raided the home of a "ladyboy" (the local term for a transexual) who confessed to stealing the handset from tourist Julia Krasilnikova, 30, as she relaxed on the beach.

Police Lieutenant Colonel Piyapong Ansan said: ‘’Police targeted the beach area and took the details of prostitutes there in order to prevent crime in the future. A total of 22 women were detained at the station and had their photographs taken and names and addresses recorded. If ever a tourist has a problem, this will make it easier to trace the offender. Protecting tourists is important and we will the use the full force of our resources to do that.''

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