How to Burn Back Fat & Bra Bulge | 4 Best Exercises | Joanna Soh

Poyugijeke 2017-11-21

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♥ Struggle to get rid of Back Fat / Bra Bulge? Add these exercises into your workout routine for fast results! Filmed in Be Urban Wellness: \r
♥ Snap & Share pictures of your progress. Tag me @JoannaSohOfficial #JSohActive I want you to achieve a healthy & happy weight. =)\r
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♥ Joanna is a certified Personal Trainer (ACE), Womens Fitness Specialist (NASM) and Nutrition Coach (VN).\r
This workout sequence combines both strength training + cardio, which is the most effective way to burn back fat and lean up at the same time. Do this regularly to achieve results in 4 - 6 weeks time!\r
1) Bent-Over Row\r
Active Rest: Jumping Jacks\r
2) Plank Row\r
Active Rest: Side Step Shuffle\r
3) Reverse Fly\r
Active Rest: Sprint Step\r
4) Superman\r
Active Rest: Mountain Climber\r
Sequence: 8 Intervals (45secs each interval)\r
Total Time: 15 minutes (2 sets)\r
1 minute rest in between sets\r
Best Results: Do this workout 2 - 3 times weekly on alternate days. Combine this with total body workouts!\r
Beginners, if you struggle to keep up, do take it easy during the ive rest and get back into the workout once youre ready. Keep doing this workout and youll only get stronger and progress week by week.\r
To progress:\r
- Perform 3-4 sets.\r
- Lift some weights to make the exercises tougher\r
- Choose the advance version\r
HER Network is NOT sponsored. It is an online network by Joanna Soh comprised of strong, passionate and like-minded women, driven by the same vision of wanting to support other women across the world to be the best version of themselves from inside and out.\r
Her Network is an extension of Joannas current YouTube channel: SUBSCRIBE for exciting content every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.\r
We aim to offer you meaningful content that will continue to add value in your life. The videos will range from health & fitness, food, lifestyle, beauty, fashion, travel, life guide, parenting, and more.\r
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Joanna Soh:\r
(Subscribe to my website for printable workouts & recipes)\r
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How to Eat & Exercise Correctly According to Your Body Type\r
Heres the complete playlist to more than 50 videos:\r

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