Teppou Republic Episode 1 - Total War: Shogun 2 FOTS (DM) Narrative Lets Play

Foduxinibo 2017-11-07

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As Japan frures over opposing views of the outside world, the people of the historically independent province of Iga are lead to war by the Todo family, who see the growing chaos as a chance to fulfill a vision of a Japan where power is not held by any single man, a dream of a true Republic. \r
This narrative lets play follows the Tsu clan in the Fall of the Samurai DLC for Total War: Shogun 2. Im playing on Hard (battle and campaign) difficulty, with a variety of mods, as detailed below. I shall be fighting for the Imperial cause, but when the time comes, I shall be declaring independence from both the Imperial and Shogunate rule to form a new nation with Iga at its center.\r
Shogun 2 Mods Used:\r
ES Units mod for Darthmod\r
Better Maps\r
FotS Artillery Pack\r
Custom mod that has the following effects: +2 melee attack for all melee units. +1 morale for Spear Levy and all elite melee units. -50% upkeep costs for all land units.\r
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# Game, Series and History Information: #\r
~ The Todo ~ \r
The Todo family came to rule the Tsu domain when their founder, Todo Takatora, betrayed his oath to the Toyotomi clan (having already betrayed the Azai for the Oda, and the Oda for the Toyotomi) and joined the Tokugawa forces during the Sekigahara conflict at the end of the Sengoku Jidai, thus becoming one of the leading samurai officers in the army that would finally unify the land. He was rewarded with the Tsu domain for this service, which is now ruled by Todo Takayuki, the 11th generation head of the ennobled Todo family, along with his son Takahisa.\r
~ The Boshin War ~\r
This Japanese civil war was fought between supporters of the pro-west Shogun and the anti-west Emperor. The ruling feudal families fought a war during which Japans modernising economy provided new weapons and techniques that made the war very fast and decisive. Historically the war was not very bloody and centered around only a handful of battles in which casualty rates were low (some have called it a bloodless revolution as a result).\r
The superior technology of the Imperial fion quickly won by sheer threat and political influence, leading to the Meiji Restoration and the formation of the Japanese Empire. It was the Tsu clan, who betrayed the Shogun in the first key battle of the war, that provided the Imperials with their initial momentum that would prove unstoppable. Historians believe that if they had not done this, the Imperial army would have been defeated in the opening fight, leading to a very different history for Japan.\r
In thisIll be exploring an alternate history where the Tsu betray the Emperor not for the Shogun, but for themselves. I will be attempting to create a third power in the civil war, dedicated to ending the oppressive authoritarian society of Japanese tradition supported by both of the existing sides.\r
~ Shogun 2 Total War ~\r
The game featured in thisis a real-time battle tics simulator with a turn based strategy game defining the battles that occur. It was developed by Creative Assembly in the UK, and among fans is considered the most well made of the Total War titles since Total War: Rome. Specifically Im playing with the Fall of the Samurai DLC which shifts the focus from the Sengoku Jidai period (late 1500s) to the Boshin or Bakamatsu period (mid-late 1800s).\r
~ This~\r
Youll notice I skipped the opening of the campaign and begin thein the first engagement with Tsus enemy, the Hikone clan. I assure you nothing of interest happens in the opening turns of a Fall of the Samurai campaign, as you begin without a viable army and in the depths of winter when campaigning is unfavourable. So all you missed was me recruiting the army seen in the opening of the video, and conducting diplomacy with other clans to ensure I could wage war safely.

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