Macerator Toilet Specialists Discuss How to Get Ready for Winter Sailing Engineering your macerator toilet manufacturers would like to share with you this week some great information regarding how to get ready for winter sailing.During my admittedly few winters above the frost-belt, I have only fond memories of the last few days of the season. And I've always admired those who didn't let the tilt of the Earth dictate the way they arranged their days.This month, Practical Sailor contributor Drew Frye reviews measures to take if you plan to extend your sailing through the winter.Practical Sailor readers who have been with us for a few years are familiar with Frye's work, much of which is carried out from the deck of his PDQ 32 catamaran. The boat, as far as I know, has not spent a full winter out of the water since Frye bought it.Frye's climbing habit routinely makes its way into Practical Sailor's pages. His past research into fiber lifeline chafe and elasticity in deck cordage drew directly from his own experience with climbing ropes. Watch our other Marine Products videos related to:Raritan MarineMacerator PumpMacerator ToiletBoat HeadMacerating ToiletThru Hull FittingsMarine HeadsMarine Toilet Boat ToiletsElectric ToiletsMacerating ToiletToilet MaceratorMacerating PumpMarine HoseMarine Water HeatersMarine Hot Water HeatersMarine Ice MakersMarine Sanitation Device Marine SanitationMarine Holding Tanks Boat Cleaning Products TruDesignSeacocksMarine Toilet Systems us on our