Peppa Pig , Смурфики,Smurfs,Les Schtroumpfs, De Smurfen

Fasojuhi 2017-10-21

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At the time he came up with the creative idea for the Smurfs, Peyo was the creator, artist, and writer of the Franco-Belgian comicstitled Johan et Pirlouit (translated to English as Johan and Peewit), set in Europe during the Middle Ages and including elements of sword-and-sorcery. Johan serves as a brave young page to the king, and Pirlouit (pronounced Peer-loo-ee) functions as his faithful, if boastful and cheating, midget sidekick. In 1958, Spirou magazine started to publish the Johan et Pirlouit story La Flûte à six trous (The Flute with Six Holes).[4] The adventure involved them recovering a magic flute, which required some sorcery by the wizard Homnibus. In this manner, they met a tiny, blue-skinned humanoid creature in white clothing called a Schtroumpf, followed by his numerous peers who looked just like him, with an elderly leader who wore red clothing and had a white beard. Their first full appearance was published in Spirou on October 23, 1958.[5] The charers proved to be a huge success, and the first independent Smurf stories appeared in Spirou in 1959, together with the first merchandising. The Smurfs shared more adventures with Johan and Pirlouit, got their ownand all subsequent publications of the original story were retitled La Flûte à six Schtroumpfs (also the title of theversion of the story).\r
Schtroumpf is pronounced like the German word Strumpf meaning sock. However, according to Peyo, original author of the original Smurfs comic strip, the original term and the accompanying language of the Smurfs came during a meal he was having with his colleague and friend André Franquin at the Belgian Coast. Having momentarily forgotten the word salt, Peyo asked him (in French) to pass the schtroumpf. Franquin jokingly replied: Heres the Schtroumpf—when you are done schtroumpfing, schtroumpf it back. and the two spent the rest of that weekend speaking in schtroumpf language.[3] The name was later translated into Dutch as Smurf, which was adopted in English.\r
With the commercial success of the Smurfs came the merchandising empire of Smurf miniatures, models, games, and toys. Entire collecting clubs have devoted themselves to collecting PVC Smurfs and Smurf merchandise.\r
Давным-давно далеко в лесу была спрятана деревня, где жили милые существа, которые называли себя смурфы, — они и есть главные герои мультсериала. Смурфы живут в самой глубине леса, где их никто не потревожит, в своей деревне, которую они называют Смурфидол. Все дома в Смурфидоле представляют собой большие грибы, каждый смурфик имеет такой дом. Всего их сто один — сто мальчиков и одна девочка. Каждый смурф — это неповторимый персонаж со своей историей и характером, у каждого свои увлечения и интересы, но их объединяет дружба и доброта, которой они делятся со всеми своими друзьями со всего леса.\r
Основным сюжетом всего сериала являются попытки смурфиков справиться с разными неприятностями. Чаще всего эти неприятности создают злой колдун Гаргамель и его кот Азраэль.\r

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