Top 10 Fastest Computers or supercomputers in the World - How much faster are they compared to a PC or iPad Pro 2016\r
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You can now translate this and other curious droid videos, see my video about it here \r
10. Stampede (USA)\r
9. Shaheen II (Saudi Arabia)\r
8. Hazel Hen (Germany)\r
7. Piz Daint (Switzerland)\r
6. Trinity (USA)\r
5. Mira (USA)\r
4. K Computer (Japan)\r
3. Sequoia (USA)\r
2. Titan (USA)\r
1. Tianhe-2 Milky Way 2 (China)\r
Linpack benchmark software here : \r
If you need to model things like the worlds weather, nuclear reions, molecular dynamics or simulate the first few seconds after the big bang, youre going to need some pretty serious computing power but just how much more powerful are the top 10 supercomputers compared to the PC on your desktop or the latest iPad Pro for example.\r
A FLOP is a calculation that would be either adding, subtring, multiplying or dividing 2 numbers with decimal points in them.\r
For example, 10.545 multiplied by 6.387 would be a single FLOP. Modern computers can do this billions of times per second.\r
At the time of making this video Feb 2016 the latest iPad Pro with the A9x dual core cpu is capable of about 1.5 gigaflops, thats 1.5 thousand million FLOPS per second\r
Typical $1000 pc with a single Intel 5820 6 core CPU is capable of around 100 GigaFLOPS thats 66 times more that the iPad pro\r
Because supercomputers are so much powerful they are measured in PetaFLOPS. 1 PetaFLOP is equal to 1000 TeraFLOPs and 1 TeraFLOP is = 1000 GigaFLOPS and remember our PC was 100 GigaFLOPS and the Ipad Pro 1.5 GigaFLOPS\r
A petaflop is equal to about one million billion calculations per second. \r
10 Stampede super computer at the Texas Advanced Computing Center, United States\r
it has a maximum Linpack performance of 5.1 PFLOPS, thats \r
Thats equivalent to 51,000 of our PCs or 3.4M iPad pros. It has 462,462 processing cores, 192 Terabytes of RAM and consumes a maximum of 4.5 Mw of power\r
9 Shaheen II - Cray XC40 , at the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia\r
it has a maximum Linpack performance of 5.5 PFLOPS.\r
Thats equivalent to 55,000 of our PCs or 3.66M iPad pros.\r
It has 196,608 processing cores, 790 Terabytes of RAM and consumes a maximum of 2.8 Mw of power.\r
In Time by Stellerdrone is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (\r
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