13 BIZARRE Paranormal Creatures

Deyew 2017-10-13

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From a goblin appearing in broad daylight, to the legendary Jersey Devil; These are 13 BIZARRE paranormal creatures! \r
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Popobawa (popo-bah-wah)\r
Saci (sah-SEE)\r
Monopods \r
Black Bird of Chernobyl\r
Blemmyes (blemmies)\r
Dybbuks (dih-BIKS)\r
Horned Demon Cat\r
They were first reported during World War II. During a London air raid, a man was hiding in his home from German aircraft when he claimed to be attacked by a large cat … one that had horns sprouting from its head, sharp claws and eyes that glowed red. After letting out an unearthly howl, it disappeared. According to legend, the previous owner of the mans home was known to price black magic … and often killed stray cats as a sacrifice for his rituals. Locals also mentioned seeing strange feline creatures roaming about the property. A clairvoyant who investigated the house claimed the Demon Cat was summoned by the spirit of the slaughtered felines … and may persist there forever. \r
Spring-Heeled Jack\r
His name was a reference to his ability to make incredible leaps. The first claimed sighting of this creature occurred in Victorian England in 1837. Witnesses described him as have the demeanor of a gentleman … appearing tall and thin, wearing a black cloak. But his ions were far from gallant … he assaulted women, compiling a long list of victims. They claimed Jack had blazing crimson eyes, metallic claws for hands and could spew white and blue fire from his mouth. As the Times reported his attacks, his infamy -- and legend -- grew … with sightings reported from England to Scotland. Ironically, as his celebrity increased, sightings of Jack dwindled … and seemed to taper off in the early 20th century. No one was ever apprehended or positively IDd as Spring Heeled Jack … but descriptions of a similar creature have occurred in the 21st century.\r
Wendigo (wendy-go)\r
Its said to favor cold winter weather and is found from Canada to the US along the Atlantic coast. The Wendigo can either be an evil spirit or a cannibalistic monster. As a spirit, the Wendigo can possess a human victim and turn them into a monster. Or it can appear like a monster that exhibits human chareristics. In this form, theyre described as gaunt, and standing some 14 feet high,with ashy grey skin … not unlike a huge, emaciated skeleton that emits a stench of decay. Most witnesses agree that they have sharp yellow fangs, long tongues, and glowing eyes. Legend says that Wendigos ually started off as humans that resorted to cannibalism, or committed another sin like murder … when they were transformed. Did you know some cryptozoologists say Its possible that Bigfoot could have inspired stories about the Wendigo!\r
Paranormal Activity?\r
Some kids in Argentina may have had a paranormal experience in broad daylight. They were playing soccer when they noticed what appeared to be a strange creature on the field. Footage shot by one of the players reveals the group chasing the ball … until the camera operator locates a mysterious figure to the side. Its not identifiable as human or animal … but appears to be crawling forward slowly and awkwardly. After zooming in on the creature, the boy starts to scream, and the group runs away from the mysterious creature. Local media reported that the children were too frightened to return to the field … and claimed the creature may have been a goblin -- small, repulsive creatures that were first mentioned in European folklore during the Middle Ages. Could it have been a paranormal encounter? \r
The Jersey Devil\r
This cryptid has haunted the Pine Barrens of New Jersey for some three centuries … and is said to be a bipedal creature that resembles a kangaroo. Its often described as being capable of flight, with having leathery wings, hooves, a goat-like head with horns, clawed hands and a forked tail. Its said to emit a horrifying scream and moves rapidly. A picture of this cryptid was taken in new by a fella named Dave Black. He was driving home when he saw a shadowy creature about the size of a deer that was flying over a golf course when he took the picture. Soon after, Mr Black says the creature spread its wings and few away. The picture was never digitally enhanced, according to the photographer … and it does seem to depict a quadruped creature with wings. Could it really be the Jersey Devil?

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