Brawl Of The Objects Episode 2 - B.O.T.O. The Videogame

Wilburwoodville28 2017-10-01

Views 71

Continuing down the road of our competition, Party Hat and Pizza choose the teams. Afterwards, all the contestants are teleported to a videogame world, where theres danger and enemies all over the place! Their object is to make it through the level and beat the boss in the castle, but who will win the challenge for their team? Find out in this pixelatedof Brawl Of The Objects! :D\r
WOW, that was hard to make! :P I had to make each individual pixel on each charer, plus the level and the enemies and all that videogame stuff, argh. But, I love the final outcome a lot, and I bet you will too! :) Also, something funny. I export all my animations as .mov files, and for some reason, the night before February 28th, Windows Movie Maker and Windows Media Player suddenly wouldnt support that kind of video file, and would crash every time I tried to play them! That means I couldnt open thisin Movie Maker, and couldnt edit or export it, so I was in a reeeal pickle there. Luckily, my older brothers computer (which s slightly older than mine) could support .mov files, so I had to transfer all the scenes and sounds to his computer and recreate theall in one night. Boy, was that tiring! Anyhow, I got it done in time and exported it as the rightfile, sö. That was my adventure.\r
Q: Where was my recommended charer!?\r
A: Like I said many times, recently recommended charers will appear in3.\r
Q: What happened to your voice while doing Controlly, Anko?\r
A: My older brother voices him now.\r
Q: How do I vote?\r
A: Comment who you want eliminated!\r
Q: Will you be doing any more Lets Play videos?\r
A: Probably not, 1. I sink at gaming, 2. Its not animation, and thats what this channel is all about.\r
Q: Will there ever be a recommended charer debut in BOTO?\r
A: Probably, like all object shows. XD\r
Tell me what you think of the , too! I enjoy your support, and I definitely loved making this ! Enjoy! :D

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