It was only hour after hour spent rocking my newborn son to sleep for a nap that I got the idea of Sleepy Stroll. Nothing was working for weeks and my arms and my back were both numb beyond belief. My son hated the crib and would wake up as soon as I tried to lay him down. I did not know what to do. He stopped napping in the baby swing and outgrew for the bouncer. I knew he was tired and wanted to sleep but nothing I tried helped. I noticed, however, that my son would fall asleep in his stroller anytime we went for a walk. What worked best was rolling the stroller across driveways, the bumpy kind. The stroller would hit a bump or two, and my son began to calm down and drift toward sleep. That was all it took. I soon realized that I wasn’t alone struggling with nap time for my baby. My close friends had similar problems with their newborns. An idea was born for a product, simple but effective. I wanted to help my son to fall asleep faster, on schedule and to get uninterrupted naps. I came up with my first prototype and it was a success with my son. Soon, my close friends wanted to try it too.
Birth of a child is a life changing experience. Being a mom of two young boys, Alexander and Ivan, I feel compassion for parents with newborns. That is why my team and I put a lot of energy and effort to bring this product to you.