Micromax is readying to launch a 4G feature phone which will compete with the new JioPhone. The feature phone will be called BharatOne and will be launched in the first week of October for a price of Rs 2000. BharatOne will be launched in collaboration with state-run telco Bharat Sanchar Nigam. The free voice and data offers will be provoded by BSNL and Micromax will take care of the manufacturing. The BharatOne is said to have a better camera, larger screen and more battery life than any other feature phone available in the market right now, including the JioPhone. The date of launch has been intelligently decided to take advantage of the festive season. There is enough proof that Indian consumers like to shop for mobile phones during this season. Recently, Xiaomi announced that it sold over 1 million handsets during the Amazon and Flipkart sales. To believe that people will be eyeing an even more affordable phone during the season is not far fetched.