BLACKPHONE UNVEILED - Cell Phone ENCRYPTS Texts,Voice Calls & Video Chat for Your SECURITY & PRIVACY

Teroyo 2017-09-22

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BLACKPHONE UNVEILED - Cell Phone ENCRYPTS Texts,Voice Calls & Video Chat for Your SECURITY & PRIVACY\r
Right after the whole NSA fiasco in the United States, a smartphone was proposed that would be security and privacy at the forefront of its features. As of today, you can now order said smartphone: the Black Phone has officially been launched and is available for pre-order.\r
For the smallish price of $629 US Dollars, you can buy yourself a sense of security with the Black Phone. Right now, the manufurers promise the following: Blackphone includes a unique combination of operating system and application tools which offer unparalleled security and privacy to information workers, executives, public figures, and anyone else unwilling to cede ownership of their privacy to other authorities. Blackphones PrivatOS, built onAndroidâ„¢,\r
As such, the Android based operating system, PrivatOS, comes with a ton of pre-installed security apps on the device. Some of the features of this new operating system is based around default security settings that are meant to protect the user: anonymous search functions, smart disabling of WiFi, private calling, anonymous anti-theft and remote wiping features, among a ton of other. For more information, check out the manufurers page on the operating system. The much awaited, most secure Android phone which will be secure from the Big Brother has finally been released at Mobile World Congress.\r
The mobile is made especially to secure the network connections which are currently in trouble with the NSA. The strong security backup of black phone puts a lock on calls, messages and even the apps from any kind of external encryption.\r
When you Google something, you do not necessarily have to Google it, particularly if the NSA has backdoor access to your search terms. Thats what record numbers of web users are discovering as they flock to privacy oriented search engines in the wake of Whistleblower Edward Snowdens ongoing leaks.\r
Google shares a shady past with the NSA In new, the search engines and \r
Every time Edward Snowden shares a new revelation about government spying, we get an influx of new users, said company spokesperson and privacy expert Dr. Katherine Albrecht. He has promised to reveal more in new, and from what weve heard, hes got two more years of content, at least. \r
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Albrecht, a regular guest on the Alex Jones show told Infowars Consumers are rightfully outraged that governments are eavesdropping on those services and commandeering access to those databases.\r
The US governments privacy board has sharply rebuked President Barack Obama over the National Security Agencys mass collection of American phone data, saying the program defended by Obama last week was illegal and ought to be shut down.\r
The Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board, an independent and long-troubled liberties advocate in the executive branch, issued a report on Thursday that concludes the NSAs collection of every US phone record on a daily basis violates the legal restrictions of the statute cited to authorize it, section 215 of the Patriot Act.\r
The National Security Agency and its UK counterpart GCHQ have been developing capabilities to take advantage of leaky smartphone apps, such as the wildly popular Angry Birds game, that transmit users private information across the internet, according to top secret documents.\r
The data pouring onto communication networks from the new generation of iPhone and Android apps ranges from phone model and screen size to personal details such as age, gender and location. Some apps, the documents state, can share users most sensitive information

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