Real Estate Bus Tour of Foreclosures

housedealsintampa 2008-07-07

Views 63

Common Ground Property Investments present The "Get On The Bus, Gus" Property Tour of Foreclosures, Short Sales, and distress homes on Saturday July 26th, 2008. This tour is for anyone looking to buy deep discounted houses 30-60% off of value. Your host on the bus tour include 2 General Contractor, a Realtor. Mortgage Brokers, House Auction Rep, House Marketing Company Rep. See and buy REO, Pre-Foreclsoures, Short Sale Houses. Cost is $149,00 and includes lunch. Network with other investors and the like. This tour is for serious investors only! This is not a retail tour! To register go to produced by Felix "the dj" aka "The Internet Master Blaster" @ Click Marketing Group, Inc. (727) 327-8895 Get Noticed

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