Fire and fury or diplomacy…. the stick or the carrot…. two visions of the world have been on show at the United Nations General Assembly in New York.
US President Donald Trump gave a hard edged debut speech to the gathering warning of the threat of so-called “rogue nation” North Korea, and adopted a confrontational approach:
“ No Nation on earth has an interest of seeing this band of criminal arms itself with nuclear weapons ands missiles. The US has great strength and patience. But if it is forced to defend itself or its allies, we will have no choice but totally destroy North Korea. Rocket man is on a suicide mission for himself and for his regime.”
In complete contrast French President Emmanuel Macron said his country would no close the door to negotiations over North Korea saying military intervention would be too complicated and that pressure must be made through sanctions.
“Our responsibility, with all our partners, including China and Russia, is to bring everyone to the negotiating table to find a political solution to the crisis. France will refuse any escalation, and will not close the door on dialogue if the conditions are met in order for dialogue to bring about peace,” said President Macron.
Trump’s words may have a rattled many world leaders in the hall, Macron’s may have been more in tune with the majority. Either way it made for a memorable UN General Assembly session.