Les coulisses du géant des mers construit à Saint-Nazaire. Voici la visite des cuisines du paquebot Queen-Mary 2 qui navigue actuellement entre Saint-Nazaire et New-York dans le cadre de la course The Bridge 2017.
http://www.bretagne-tele.fr/tag/nantes images © The Bridge 2017 / Sea Events - Nantes Bretagne Télé - 27 Juin 2017
THE BRIDGE is an unprecedented challenge: the celebration of 100 years of friendship and solidarity between France and the United States, a historic transatlantic race between Queen Mary 2 and a fleet of giant trimarans, following in the footsteps of the 1917 landing. A first of its kind! Designed and imagined as a bridge of friendship.
From the bridge of Saint-Nazaire to the Verrazano Bridge in New York, THE BRIDGE will bring together the most fabulous ocean racing boats and the most prestigious transatlantic liner. A century after the landing of the first American soldiers who came to fight alongside the Allies to defend liberty.
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