The Undertaker & Big Show vs The Acolytes w/ Kane & X Pac As Guest Commentators 8/23/99

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August 26, 1999 | Kansas City, MO | SmackDown! Premier Kane - SFM22: Undertaker - MOD22: .
August 9, 1999 | Chicago, IL | RAW is WAR | Kane & X-Pac vs Faarooq & Bradshaw Kane - SFM22: Undertaker .
August 26, 1999 | Kansas City, MO | SmackDown! For a missing video(s) in a playlist(s), please visit ministry4lifev4 on Dailymotion: .
We are happy to announce that ministry4lifev4s The Unholy Alliance Era series has now resumed on YouTube with NO missing volumes! To watch the .

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