Couple Loses 4 Unborn Babies In 6 Years, Then Nurse Gives Emotional Update About Next Ultrasound

NESIA TV 2017-08-23

Views 29

Allyson and Tony Ponto always dreamed of having a big family, but the journey proved more difficult than they ever imagined.

The Minnesota couple got pregnant four times in six years, but each pregnancy was ectopic and unviable, resulting in a seemingly endless cycle of excitement and then devastation.

The furthest Allyson got was 16 weeks until doctors said natural conception was no longer possible due to built-up scar tissue. Still determined to start their family, Allyson and Tony turned to IVF.

Since there was only a 30% chance the embryo would take, doctors implanted three embryos to raise their odds.

Two weeks later, Allyson and Tony headed in for their very first ultrasound. One baby appeared on the screen… then another… and then another.

“Three?” Tony exclaimed. “We got three babies?!”

The ultrasound tech looked at the stunned couple and said, “No… not exactly.”

They completely missed the identical twins; the couple suddenly found themselves expecting four babies at once.

Yep, quadruplets! But yet another big surprise was just around the corner…

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