North Korea, Jacob Zuma, Samsung: Your Tuesday Briefing
• Bitcoin hit a new high of $3,451 per coin, and the market for new virtual currencies
sold by start-ups — what are called initial coin offerings — is red hot.
_____ • President Trump, on a 17-day break from Washington, unleashed a barrage of Twitter
posts against some of his most consistent media targets, including The New York Times.
[The New York Times] • On Manus Island, in Papua New Guinea, the body of a man said to have mental
health issues was found near an Australian center for refugees awaiting resettlement.
Here’s what you need to know: • North Korea threatened to retaliate "thousands of times over"
and hinted at an attack on the U.S. over new U.N. sanctions.
• President Trump’s stalled trade agenda — and his withdrawal from the Trans Pacific
Partnership — have frustrated the U.S. industries he had promised to protect.
Mr. Trump has no businesses there, but trademarks — including "Chun Pou," a Cantonese version of his name — can protect against knockoffs.