Ducati Scrambler Cafe Racer launched in India. The Ducati Scrambler Cafe Racer for India is priced at Rs 9,32,000 ex-showroom (India). The Ducati Scrambler is powered by an air and oil cooled 803cc twin-cylinder engine that produces 72bhp @ 8,250rpm and 67Nm of torque @ 5,750rpm. Power is sent to the rear wheel through a 6-speed gearbox.
#Ducati #DucatiScrambler #DucatiScramblerCaferRacer #DucatiScramblerCaferRacerIndia #DucatiScramblerCaferRacerLaunch #DucatiScramblerLaunch #DucatiCaferRacer #DucatiCaferRacerIndia
Read more at: https://www.drivespark.com/two-wheelers/2017/ducati-scrambler-cafe-racer-launched-in-india-launch-price-specifications-images-023224.html
Source Link: http://www.drivespark.com/