Originally aired Saturday, May 31, 2014
The Grappler's Wrecking Crew (Grappler 3, Jeremy Blanchard, and Othello) in a six-man-tag against Heavyweight Champion, "Hot Shot" Danny Duggan and his partners, Big Duke and "TKO" Cody Smith!
Tag Champion, Mike Santiago takes on Mikey O'Shea
Eric Right & Dan Joseph in action against Dr. Kliever and Jonas Albert Robinson
Alexander Hammerstone vs Instant Karma
Special Guest: Women's Wrestling Legend, Leilani Kai
Other appearances by "The Vampire Warrior" Gangrel, Ethan HD, "Reality Superstar" Jonny Fairplay and Ashton Viutton, and Kylie Sutton.
It's the West Coast Wrestling Connection on PDX-TV from Portland, Oregon!
New episodes every week on Saturday's at midnight!