Virat Kohli turned bowler for Shikhar Dhawan and Abhinav Mukund ahead of Colombo test. Kohli reached the SSC ground with a brown towel around his neck to counter heat conditions in the island's capital. But rather than doing batting practice, the skipper was seen bowling to the India openers Shikhar Dhawan and Abhinav Mukund from a short run-up with a semi-old ball even as some of the seamers — Ishant Sharma, Bhuvneshwar Kumar and Umesh Yadav — were seen taking a break from the sweltering heat.In 58 Tests, Kohli has so far bowled 25 overs, giving away 70 runs, without picking a wicket. His last six-over spell was against New Zealand at Wellington in 2014. India will now play Sri Lanka in Colombo in second Test that is scheduled to begin from August 3.