Indian cricket team's all-rounder, Hardik Pandya said that he might hit six sixes in an over someday. During a TV interview, he 23-year-old was asked if he would like to emulate Yuvraj Singh's six sixes in an over. Responding to the same, he said, "I don't think about hitting six sixes in an over. I have hit three sixes off three balls but never went for the fourth one as the situation never demanded. If some day, we have a situation where I can go after all six balls, I might go for it."Pandya made a successful Test debut against Sri Lanka last week, where he scored a quick-fire 50 off 49 balls to steer his team to a 600 in the first innings. "Even when I was batting, it felt like batting in one-dayers. The scenario was perfect for me. As an international cricketer, you need to be smart as in terms of preparation. While switching formats, there is a switch in mindset but skill sets generally don't change," he said.