Had the Organization of Islamic Corporation issued a statement, Bangladesh would have withdrawn the death warrants

A9 TV 2017-07-19

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ADNAN OKTAR: Rahman Nizami was a very old man. We fought a long battle, of course through correspondence and communication, for him before; we still do. But they hanged the poor saintly man. We saw that everyone is concerned with their own comfort, as few protested his execution. But they fail to realize is that sooner or later it will be their turn. These people take one step at a time.

There is no point in discriminating Muslims as Sunni, Jaafari, Shiite, Wahhabi; all of them are saintly Muslims. All of them are Muslims. Tayyip Erdoğan has adopted a staunch attitude in that regard, masha'Allah. Although he’s ben a devout Sunni and underwent a traditionalist Orthodox Sunni education, he exercised willpower and has chosen the path of Mahdi. He came forward with a discourse advocating the Mahdi movement against denominations.

"So long as Muslims do not look out for each other, the executions will continue. Besides, no one pays any attention to the executions except you," says one of our viewers, Bilal Yemiş. There are people who pay attention, but they do so after everything is said and done. They pay attention to the issue only after they hang the poor, blessed man, by only condemning the deed. Why don't you kick up a row before the execution? We try to exercise our influence but only as much as the internet allows us. We cannot do more than sending formal letters to here and there.

OKTAR BABUNA: They would have hanged him long ago if it were not for your efforts.

ADNAN OKTAR: Yes, normally they were going to hang him earlier, but our strong reaction delayed the execution.

It is the British deep state that gives the order, seeking to create the image of aggrieved Muslim that frequents the death row in order to daunt Muslims. And this seems to be working as Muslims refrain from helping each other, letting them get away with unfair executions. The British deep state tries to create the image of an indifferent, nonchalant, egoistical and selfish Muslim community that stands divided, and gives the message that "anyone who stands against us will share the same fate as this man; no one will look out for you just as they did not for him." Poor Rahman Nizami stood against the British deep state despite his old age. But the world's Muslims did not pay any attention. There is the Islamic Union Organization and they elected Mr. Erdoğan as its chairman; but without the Mahdi movement, the system cannot function. Establish as many unions, elect as many chairmen, have as many members, secure as many financial support as you wish, but as long as that organization is not endowed with the Mahdi movement's spirit, the system will not function. Otherwise, had the Organization of Islamic Corporation under Tayyip Erdoğan’s chairmanship stepped in and issued a unanimous decision, they would have never been able to execute Rahman Nizami. But they do not, they cannot issue unanimous decisions, and Tayyip Erdoğan can only do so much on his own. What I am referring to is the Organization for Islamic Cooperation; they can adopt a more active course of action. If they want to quickly assemble a meeting and take a decision on this issue, no one will be able to hang people like Rahman Nizami. For example, if they hold mass denouncement meetings and stage marches, such incidents will never occur. But when people sit back and watch a Muslim being executed, they do the same thing when another Muslim suffers the same fate.




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