President Trump’s favorability numbers remain low, but, according to a recent Bloomberg National Poll, they are not as low as Hillary Clinton’s.
President Trump’s favorability numbers remain low, but, according to a recent Bloomberg National Poll conducted July 8-12, they are not as low as Hillary Clinton’s.
While only 41% of the 1,001 participants gave Trump a positive rating, just 39% did the same in regards to Clinton. Those expressing disfavor for Clinton included about one-fifth of those who said they voted for her in 2016.
Her less-than-stellar showing in the Bloomberg poll does not, of course, relieve Trump of his own poor numbers.
A recent ABC News/Washington Post survey also returned dismal results for the president.
A mere 36% of those questioned voiced approval for the job Trump is doing, making his the lowest rating of any 6-months-in president in 70 years.
Further, two-thirds said they do not trust the president to negotiate for the U.S. when working with other world leaders and Russian President Vladimir Putin in particular.
Not long after that poll was published, Trump took to Twitter to inflate the approval numbers and discount the survey’s validity.
He wrote on Sunday, “The ABC/Washington Post Poll, even though almost 40% is not bad at this time, was just about the most inaccurate poll around election time!”