5 Axis CNC Vertical Machining Demonstration
This video is a demonstration of our Okuma 5 axis machine and its manufacturing capabilities that Btec uses daily for our customers. The 5 axis machine is being run without coolant on a program to display the movement that the machine and spindle can make while machining a metal part. Our engineers have programmed our 5 axis CNC machine to showcase the diverse abilities of the Okuma 5 axis at a half speed, so you can see the extensive movements of the machine.
Shortly you will see a clip in real time of a metal part being modified by the 5 axis with coolant.
Btec and our customers have realized the benefits of using 5 axis CNC, which include reducing errors, increased quality and making the machining process move without any hiccups. Reducing the movement of a part from position to position is now a process of the past, because of 5 axis CNC abilities to move in multiple directions from the base and tooling spindle. With less need to move a part through the machining process, the less room for error can occur.
In this section you can see a metal piece being machined in real time, the coolant is turned on and cutting the metal piece into the programmed shape. The machine is carefully making cuts and maneuvering the spindle and base with precision making exact cuts along the way, as the coolant pushes excess metal chips away from the metal work piece. Every move is calculated by our engineers and machinists to make the best final product.
Our 5 axis machining process promotes accuracy and has reduced time per piece machined which has a big influence to customer’s bottom line.
Visit Btec at www.btecsolutions.com to learn about our manufacturing services. B-Tec Solutions, Inc. The Source for all Metal manufacturing needs.