- Despre -
Creativerse is Playful's friendly neighborhood sandbox adventure game.
Follow us to candy-coat your feed with news, tips, giveaways and other morsels of Creati-sugar.
Player-made Adventures of all kinds can be accessed by all Creativerse players.
Each Adventure offers its own aim/s to be achieved and some tell their own stories too.
All players can create Adventures and then publish them to be enjoyed by everyone else.
Hints to the background story of the fictive Creativerse universe with its slight touch
of Science Fiction (Arctek technology) can be found in the shape of rare collectible journal
Notes and Data Chips in randomly spawning Treasure Chests together with other findings like
rare crafting recipes and raw materials.
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TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LaposiMihaiEmil
GOOGLE+: https://goo.gl/fgBKLS